Is it just me or has there been a surplus of random users just being stupid? I just got got a message from this retard:
That PM was funnier than funny pictures of cats made funnier with funny captions under the funny pictures of cats.
[Edit] Well, the stupid user just got his butt buddy to post gibberish on my page. I'm just going to unban him and let him post all the faggotry he wants. But seriously, if you're that person and you want to insult me, please click this first.
It's also very annoying when a n aouthor makes a bad flash then when you try to tell them how to make it better they just reply with a: I'm not even going to listen to you bcause you either havent submitted anything or because I'm not even trying. Then they block you. Same with users like awesomesonic, shadow1441, etc. if you even think of posting something they disagree with they'll block you and get their friends to block you to.
[Edit] comments disabled to avoid further problems with other users.
[Edit] Stupid user is now unlocked, but I set it to approved comments only.
This is why I unlocked it: Just a few days ago some douche got mad that I posted "What? Shellder is evolving? Shellder evolved into... Cloyster!" a single time on his page (His name was Cloyster) he got so pissed that he spammed me then sent 80 (I'm serious) PMs saying something about how an alligator ate some kid's ass and he died from not crapping. Wtf? That is one reason why I think users are so stupid.
LOL! Weird message!