So because a bunch of user requested it, I'm going to make The Death of Sonic into a flash. I was originally going to make only the last act into a flash, but I'll only do certain acts.
And about the Prinny flash, I'm probably going to just scrap that for now, Disgaea has mostly 3D textures and backgrounds and I can't find any, nor do I know how to rip them myself. I'm not going to scrap it entirely, just give me time.
[EDIT] I'm probably going to add some voice acting in it, so if any body wants to be a voice actor PM me and send a recording of you sounding like that character.
For Act 1, I'd need voice actors for Dr. Eggman, Sonic, Scratch, Grounder, and a police.
Crap, I didn't manage blam this crappy flash
what is swf
It's a flash movie, I don't know what it stands for though.