And anyone else who gets so butthurt about another person's beliefs that they'll spend every waking moment trying to disprove someone else's belief by making shit up about it. It's annoying going on Newgrounds just to see a bajillion threads... they don't even need to be about religion but some faggot will go; "Boop a doop cna gawd meaek a teh rokx eh not cnta lfit//////" and not even an hour later there's six pages of "derrr gawd dusnt egzist b cuz penis" followed by "proov it" and " OMFG UR GAYAN RETARTDD AN IMACHUUR CUZ U BELAVE IN GAWD!!!!!" Shit, they're not even about religion, they're just about Christianity (fun fact: There's more than one religion)
Yes, a bunch of wars can relate to religion, and a bunch of people who practice certain religions are complete morons who need to die soon (Chuck Norris) but if everyone was atheist, we'd find some new shit to blame on wars, but that's provided Earth doesn't die from curing every disease, thereby only aiding non threatening diseases to evolve into a super disease that kills us all off. I know you don't want to admit it, but atheism is another religion. You believe everything was created in a ludicrous, unprovable way, you're so sure it was, and when you beliefs are questioned, you bash that person's beliefs.
Look, I don't give a shit about your religion, I don't care if you're offended by this, and if you are, it's because you're an oversensitive whiny little idiot wh
tell them you'll pray for them.
They are easiest people to troll ;)