Remember that underdog, Drill Dozer? Of course you don't because the only games you play are Final Fantasy and Dynasty Warriors. Well Drill Dozer was this awesome ass game about a chick with a robot and she uses it to rob banks and steal diamonds for her daddy. It's pretty short, probably because one stage takes like 20 minutes to beat. Anyway, me, Rina-Chan, Sorrygirl99, and Sprite-Harvester are working on a parody of the game. Sorrygirl is doing the art, Rina-Chan's doing the voice for Jill, Croog, and Detective Carrie. I'm doing the voice for Jill's dad, and Croog's henchmen and I have no idea what Sprite-Harvester is doing. Probably the voices for Gearmo and Grutch. It's coming out some time around April. Here's a preview.
Drill dozer was never a good game, I remember how long it took me to even FIND it xD