I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Ted duMairrd @Chdonga

Age 30, whatever pronounds idgf

Pixel Artist

Poughquag, NY

Joined on 3/24/08

Exp Points:
64,592 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.04 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
6y 6m 9d

The rules of Newgrounds MK3

Posted by Chdonga - February 4th, 2010

1. If you ban any user from your blog, they may -scratch that- WILL make an alt and spam you
2. You can't kill a troll by ignoring them, only recognizing that they're trolls and accepting them being one. They'll then fear that they themselves have been trolled by a more successful troll and go insane, realizing that they aren't as successful as they tell themselves every night before they go to bed and kill themselves after going through a suicidal rampage in which they kill their drunken neighbor and shoot themself in the head.
*3. Be nice to EyeLovePoozy and your ban times will shorten
*4. Dicks aren't funny
5. <Rules of the Internet>
6. Any girl on NG who claims to be a girl is a man or has/had a dick
7. If you criticize someone's flash/audio they will cry and call you a jerk with no life
8. If you insult a someone's fanfic/fancharacter they'll call you a "gay a** imachur bad spelr"
*9. 09ers don't know anything and 08ers know everything.
10. You're a nobody if you haven't made a flash/submitted audio
11. You're a fucking moron if you mispell one word
*12. Your opinion doesn't matter-only someone else's
*13. Level 1 users would try to take over Newgrounds unless they're flamed daily
*14. If you speak your opinion you're automatically trying to troll
15. Megaman is the only thing that is allowed to bypass rule 34 (the "if it exists there's porn of it" one, not the " It isn't sarcasm unless you post (sarcasm)" one)
*16. If you ask a question expect at least one facepalm
17. It's true because I say it is
18. You're underaged if you watch cartoons or curse sparingly
19. The 25th statement is a lie
*20. "Faggot" Is the least original insult
21. Either swear uncensored or don't swear at all, you dumb fucking 12 year old bitch.
*22. If you think you know what you're talking about, you really don't
23. The higher your stats, the cooler you are on the internet
24. The cooler you are on the internet, the less cool you are in the real world
25. The 19th statement is true
26. That "the below statement is a lie-the above statement is true" isn't funny
27. The 14th smiley is "thinkingfaic", not "coolfaic"
28. It's ok to tell noobs to delete their system 32.
*29. If you don't feel like answering a "where is" question just tell them to Google it
*30. Don't make threads, just use the search bar and post in a thread like the one you were going to make. If there's no thread like the one you're about to make, don't make it anyway because it's probably something stupid and pointless (which is why it hasn't been made).
*31. A photoshop thread isn't a real photoshop thread until there's an MS paint cock
*32. Don't start flame wars; your only soldiers will be your alts.
33. Vote 5 on everything because it will pass anyway
*34. It isn't sarcasm unless you post (sarcasm)
*35. Answer "why" questions with "because you touch yourself at night."
36. If you disagree with a review, flag it
37. If you don't like the author of a flash under judgement, flag it
38. If you're jealous of a song on the Audio Portal, flag it
39. If you followed rules 36 through 38, you're a statwhore
40. Don't request flash/audio, they'll never make it
41. Don't state that you're related to a younger user, he's really your alt and you don't know it
42. To make your e-penis/e-tits bigger, click the "random user" button on the blogs and flame them, even if it takes you to your own userpage-especially if it takes you to your own userpage
*43. Swear, a lot
*44. If someone advertises an outside website, post "I'd advertise my as if it had a website."
*45. If someone makes a post longer than two sentences, post TL;DR for a free post count
*46. Remember to make at least one post with an unrelated pic every month or the unrelated pic monster will get you
47. Get at least one medal or people will accuse you of being a noob or alt
*48. If your name has the word "fan" or a number in it, GET THE FUCK OUT NOW
*49. If you don't like it, complain about it on Twitter
50. You're an unsuccessful troll if you state you're a troll
51. Go ahead and submit stuff you didn't make, you won't get in trouble for it
*52. Accusing users of being underaged makes you cool
53. Leave this site and comeback when your reproductive organs work
*54. If you're going to complain about a flash remember the most important thing-expect fifty comments contradicting everything you say and twenty fanboys saying "no u r jst jelis"
*55. Copypasta is the opiate of Newgrounds
*56. So is faggotry
57. You're an idiot if you don't understand sarcasm
58. Foot fetish hentai is the only SFW (safe for work) hentai
*59. "Go kill yourself" is less of an original insult than 'faggot'
*60. Unsuccessful trolling is the simplest form of attention whoring
61. Insulting users for mispelling words makes you look cool
62. Vote zero on people you hate's flashes out of spite
*63. Insult users not for what they like and don't like, insult them for their ability to speak the English language
*64 If you really want to humiliate a user, make a thread about him on the BBS, it surely won't get deleted and you totally won't get banned
*65 Successful trolls are easily turned into unsuccessful trolls, but that's only if some noob states that they're successful trolls
66. Any phrase can be made into a 'that's what she said' joke
*67. When banning someone, make a witty comment or you'll look like a butthurt cunt
68. Sex jokes aren't funny
69. LOL 69!
70. Don't ban spammers, spam them right back
71. Hentai is for weeaboos and 12 year olds, real men look at porn
72. If you want to blam stuff, stop voting 5 out of pity
*73. If it exists on the internet someone has already seen it, there's no need to waste bandwidth making a post about it
74. The internet is not a truck, it's a series of tubes
75. Only idiots double post then apologize about it
75. Only idiots double post then apologize about it
75-1/2. Oops, sorry, double post
76. Even if you didn't start the flame war, contribute to it to lower your noob status
*77. Don't reason with stupid users, whatever they say is true, and if you disagree with them, "your gay your gay your gay"
*78. Use the freaking <shift> key and <space bar>
79. All '09ers are idiots, PERIOD
*80. There's never been a funny meme, so stop posting them
81. If a user says they can't finish a flash, it's really because they were never working on it
*82. If a user doesn't explain why something sucks, they use the "It just sucks" excuse then they're jealous
*83. Don't take advice from someone who has made less flash then you, they're trying to be mean to you
*84. You don't have to have created your account yesterday to be a noob
*85. When in doubt cuss them out
86. Everyone is SockMyDink's alt
*87. The universal answer to all questions is "Go figure it out yourself."
88. There's no such thing as a cool Sonic fan, good Sonic fanfic, or original Sonic fan character
89. Advice and constructive criticism is the same thing
90. If your aura doesn't correspond to your voting nature, you're a perma-noob
*91. You're most likely a pussy in real life if you take pride in insulting people over the internet
*92. If you're the kind of person who gets offended by a people who take pride in insulting people over the internet, I suggest you go back to gaiaonline or you may end up killing yourself
93. You automatically are jailbait if you post a picture of yourself
*94. If you're a girl, people will ask for naked pics
95. This is not SPARTA, it is not over nine thousand, and Chuck Norris is a bitch
96. Disregard that megaman hentai thing
*97. If you suck Jade's cock once a month for an entire year, you'll never get banned again
*98. Duck division<Newgrounds
99. LOL 99
100. Rule 99 wasn't funny.
*101. Pingas.
*102. Did I mention if your posts aren't about dicks or hentai, they're considered spam?
103. The most successful trolls actually speak their opinion
104. Rule 103 is not sarcasm, because if it was, it would've had (sarcasm) at the end
*105. Chat-man is a retard
106. Right after you finish your wild orgies with your fellow NG friends, you have to quickly yell "NO HOMO" so it cancels out the gay
107. You are all someone's alts
108. the 5 is silent.
*109. No one cares. Really. Just shut up.
110. Either troll successfully or don't troll at all
*111. Yiff in hell, furfags
112. Chuck Norris isn't cool and he never was
113. Anything that gets frontpaged that isn't yours is shit, because your stuff is soooo much better than anyone else's stuff
114. Disregard that foot fetish hentai isn't NSFW rule
*115. Quit fucking attention whoring, we all know you're lying when you say that you got gang raped by a bunch of black gay Jewish feminists for being some bullshit religion you just made up. You fucking know you suggested it to your black gay Jewish feminist friends.
116. When you say sprites are gay, you're saying anything made in flash is gay
117. Halo sucks barrels of horse dicks
118. If you're not a tool, you're a troll
*120. Anything you don't like is overrated.
*121. Anything you do like is the best thing ever made.
*122. Anyone who likes anything you don't like or vice versa has no taste.
*123. Anyone who plays any game made before the current year is a nostalgiafag.

*rules that are also applicable for the BBS

Pic unrelated

The rules of Newgrounds MK3


that is actualy a good list



Your making a lot of sense

This wall of text almost crushed me.


cocks? lol if u lokk closly u can see a guys head looking up the girls skirt were was this takin?


Rule 124: There is no rule 124. Now run before the rip in the space time continuum devours you!