People really can't take a little constructive criticism anymore, can they?
I can't go on LittleBigPlanet without seeing some new set of hatemail arise. Some kid wrote several short essays on how terrible I am for booing a single level of his. But then the little shit deleted his comments before I could screen cap them.
He's probably spamming me with LittleBigInvites, trying to get me to join him so he can do whatever it is butthurt kids do.
Major problem today. But there's one thing I've always been curious about when it comes to people who can't accept criticism - how do they improve?
I think people deal with hate on a daily basis, so it won't be too hard ignoring the guy. Besides, isn't there an ignore button or something? D:
But they were kinda funny really. He was calling me a leech and he was threatening to report me for booing his level for a completely legitimate reason.
The weirdest thing about it though, was that he gave lots of positive reviews on my levels while still writing rude messages on my page.