Whenever I see one of my friends getting engaged I suddenly get reminded that I still don't have a girlfriend.
Then I remember I'm not a girl and I don't have to follow the arbitrary social standards of getting married before my mid twenties.
Then I remember I'm a male and I DO have to follow the arbitrary social standards of getting a girlfriend before I turn twenty, then keeping her long enough to marry her before her mid twenties. With that relieving realization I realize I do not have much time left before my status as a permavirgin beta loser faggot becomes immortalized.
Stupid social standards. At least I can use them as a scapegoat for my own, often arbitrary insecurities.
My fiancé is 31... we only met when he was 30, and we got engaged just a few days shy of his birthday. And I love him to bits.
Point is, buck the trend. You're made of much stronger mettle than this; you don't need to care about the next gossip-monger that asks you if you have a girlfriend. That ought to come in its own time, not at the behest of people.