After the buggy mess that was Jak 2, I gotta say, at least they tried with this one. The wasteland may have been excessively large, but missions didn't feature too much tedious traveling.
Jak 3 suffered the same problem as Jak 2 of not having enough platforming missions.
The vehicles were just as bad, if not worse. The cars automatically drift if you push the left stick too hard, which will be your downfall in the more sensitive time pressure missions.
I noticed it was a lot shorter than Jak 2, but it still felt like they dragged it on even longer. There were a number of battles that felt like the final, and they really screwed with that pathetic excuse for a final boss. After destroying that giant spider bot, I would have been fine if Errol simply died in the explosion. But for some reason Naughty Dog decided to end the game with some dragon thing shooting very slow lasers at you. I didn't even die to that boss. At least the terribad vehicle physics made the spider bot a fun challenge. (I don't know why they made Erol the main antagonist. I forgot about him the instant I beat that race mission in Jak 2.)
The first act was the highest point of the game. If Jak 3 was just about Jak trying to gain acceptance in the sanctuary within this barren desert, this could have been a great game, but for some reason in Act 2 they decide to send you back to Haven City to help out those imbeciles who banished you. All in Haven City you must complete the same tedious missions I hated Jak 2 for. Act 3 was pretty bad. At this point the story had my eyes doing Xbox 360s. But to be fair, the plot of the entire trilogy is just so phoned in I don't believe they ever planned on making any sequels and Jak 2 and 3 were supposed to be original IPs.
TL;DR I'd give this game a 2.5/5
It was better than Jak 2, but not by a lot.