I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Ted duMairrd @Chdonga

Age 30, whatever pronounds idgf

Pixel Artist

Poughquag, NY

Joined on 3/24/08

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Chdonga's News

Posted by Chdonga - March 25th, 2009

Act-3: The Super Emeralds Part 2

Just before Bark was about to finish Sonic off, Dr. Eggman comes in on his Egg Carrier. Once he spotted Bark, he immediately saw the Super Emerald and jumped off the carrier (Of course, he had a parachute). "Give me that emerald, boy." He shouted to him thorught his microphone. Bark looked at Eggman and said "Haha no. If Sonic can beat you, I'm damn sure I can crush you." This made Eggman even angrier. So angry... that he ran away. "Ha, the little wimp." Bark chuckled. But the Dr. came back, in a new and improved Egg Walker. "I said give it to me!" He shouted. Bark said "Ok, I'll give it to ya." He let go of Sonic and charged towards the Walker. Before he could bum rush it, a spike jutted out of the Walker's kneecap and impaled Bark. Bark was still alive too! "You can take this emerald from my cold, dead, frozen fingers..." He said as he slowly was dying. Sonic, though stunned from his previous beating weakly got up and ran to the Walker, to try and destroy it. He couldn't manage to spin dash Eggman's cockpit, as Bark's half-dead body was in the way. Dr. Eggman simply laughed t them, he enjoyed their pain. He then pulled the spike out of Bark, where he fell with the Super Emerald in his hand, still not dead. Eggman stomped and kicked on Bark and laughed. Sonic yelled, weeping "Stop! Please! Don't kill him! Bark, just give him the emerald!" Dr. Eggman stomped on Bark so hard that he fell through the ice into the ice cold water that lay underneath. "No!" Sonic screamed. But Bark was still holding the emerald. It was what kept him alive! He swam up to the surface, climbed up slighty to the edge of the ice but only enough to just hang on, and said to Sonic "I guess I won't beat you yet. But I promise you, I'll beat you the next time we meet, and it will be a fair fight." He put the emerald down near Sonic's feet and let go of the ice. He sunk to the bottom of the waters...

Sonic picked up the Super Emerald and looked at Dr. Eggman "You killed him!" he said, "You killed him!" Eggman proudly reponded "Yes, yes I did. Now I'll be taking that emerald." Sonic, not knowing the power of the emerald just said "Here, you can take it." Once Dr. Eggman picked it up Sonic said "Now are you going to kill me too?" Dr. Eggman said "Not yet. I have something you and all of your friends will like." He summoned his character to pick him up and take him back to his lair to find his next emerald...

Thus ends Act 3...

Posted by Chdonga - March 23rd, 2009

Act-3: The Super Emeralds

"So there's also seven Super Emeralds, and a single one is stronger than all seven Chaos Emeralds" Eggman thought to himself "If I collect all Seven Super Emeralds, I'll be fourty-nine times as powerful as I would with all Chaos Emeralds!" Scratch mumbled "Congratulations, you passed third grade." "What!? If you have something to say, there's no need to keep it to yourself." Eggman said. Scratch, hoping Eggman didn't really hear him said "I said I don't think you should try to get all seven of the emeralds, remember what your dad said." Eggman responded "Hahaah! I can handle some spare power. Now let us see where the closest emerald is..." The closest emerald is in the Polar Cap Zone!

As fast as he can, Sonic rushes to the Polar Cap Zone to save Princess Sally from an unknown fate. He finally reaches the Polar Cap Zone to see that it is Bark! "What have you done with Princess Sally?" Sonic nonhesitantly says, "I don't really have her hostage, I just wanted to spar with you." Since he had no other reason to fight bark, he walks away. Now very angry, Bark shouts to Sonic "Oh no you don't!" he pulls out a large, green gem and dashes straight towards Sonic, "I've been waiting for the chance to fight you agian for years, and I won't pass it up this time."

He grabs Sonic by the chest and with this large emerald in his hand, he punches Sonic with it. "You WILL fight me, and I WILL win!" "What is wrong with you?" Sonic spits out in between getting hit. "Why must I explain this again? Since the last time we fought, I lost. Now I want a rematch and I want to win." Bark slams Sonic on the ground, kicking him. "Get up" he says, "Get up and fight back." Sonic doesn't want to fight Bark, as he has nothing against him, so he tells him "No." This only makes Bark angrier. "Well, I guess you'll have a humiliating death then." And right before the final blow, Dr. Eggman appears...

But this is only the end of part 1...

Posted by Chdonga - March 21st, 2009

Act-2: Robtnik's wicked plan

As the police drag Dr. Eggman to the asylum, he still babbles "I suck. I suck. I suck!? I suck!" Two other asylum workers then take him, one of them laugh and say "That's what she said." but mad Dr. Eggman says "Be that as it may, I still suck." The other worker says "You might like this room. Your daddy was sent here after Sonic beat him up." and they both throw him in a white padded room, decorated with only a single, soft mattress. As they close the door, Dr. Eggman still babbles to himself "I suck. I suck. I suck!? I suck!"

"Wow Sonic! He finally gave up!?" Tails shouted, Sonic proudly responded "Yup. But I think I might've broken him, because once I said that he sucked, he just... started acting all... I can't even describe how weird he was acting." Bunnie chuckled and said "Shoot, I ain't suprised he broke. That mad ol' doc always got crazier after you beat him. Just like his pah." "Well I guess that's the end of our worries for some time." "Don't get your hopes up just yet, Sonic" Tails said "Someone's calling you out, while you were fighting Dr. Eggman, some fat guy said he could take you on, he said he'd be at the Polar Cap zone ready to fight you." "Meh, tell 'em I said thanks, but no thanks." "Oh, and he's holding Princess Sally as hostage" "That sonofabitch!" Sonic shouts and bolts off to the Polar Cap zone.

Dr. Eggman finally stopped babbling to himself, in fact he was faking all along! He knew this would happen. He searches around the room looking for something, he finds a green chip under the matress that says -Property of Ivo Robotnik- And puts it in his pocket. "Well, I think it's time to get out of here" Dr. Eggman says to himself. He pulls the telecom out of his pocket and calls the dumbots to get him out of the asylum. "Hello, Scratch? Grounder? Do you come in, over?" Grounder says "D'uh, we here ya loud and clear, Dr. Robtnik." "Excellent, I've found the part. Now get me out of here!" And in several minutes, the Dumbots come and blow up a hole in a wall where Eggman's room is and they escape.

They get to his lair where Eggman quickly runs to a gigantic robot his father built. He steps on an elevator which takes him up to the cockpit where he inserts the chip he got from the asylum into a slot. A hologram appears on the windsheild that says:
-Hello, son. If you're viewing this, you've decided to follow in my footsteps as ruler of the world. You've gotten all but one thing neccesary to control the Egg Destroyer. You need at least one Super Emerald. A single emerald is as powerful as all seven Chaos Emeralds. I did once find all seven but the power was too great for one mere mortal to contain. If you think you can handle such an awesome power, I shall give you the coordinates for where I put them.- Then a map of the world appears, with seven red dots showing where these Super Emeralds are...

Thus ends Act 2...

Posted by Chdonga - March 20th, 2009

Good evening, my name is James Silverman. I shall tell you a story, a story of epic proportions. A story about a rare, species of European blue porcupine. Surely you know him as Sonic the Hedgehog. For over 15 years, the rodent has embarked on many adventures, fighting an evil man named Dr. Ivo Robitnik. Every time Sonic foiled the evil Dr's plots to take over the world, the Dr. became angrier. He always threatened to him that if he didn't kill Sonic, his son would. This is the story of Sonic's final adventure.

ACT-1: The Beginning of the End...

Sonic was simply enjoying himself, eating a slice of Domino's Pizza, sitting on a rock near a pond when he sees a large, black figure fall from the sky... "What in the heck is that!?" He shouts to himself. Whatever it is, it's headed right towards him. Thinking quickly, he jumps out of the way to find out that it's none other than that mad man, Dr. Ivo Robotnik II (but for some odd reason, he prefers to be called the Dr. Eggman) in his Egg Walker. The Dr. is hoarse with rage! "SONIC! I am far beyond tired of the many beatings I have given you--" Sonic cut him off, "Actually last time I checked, I'm the one who gives the beatings to you." This only makes Dr. Eggman even angrier. "AAARGH! I was originally going to give you this apology card," and he wasn't lying either, he pulls a card out of his pocket that says -Sorry for kicking your ass so much- "but now I'm going to kill you instead." For once, Sonic couldn't think of any witty to throw back at Eggman, so all he says is "Ha! Dream on." And they fight.

Dr. Eggman pushes a button which causes two giant missles to launch out of the walker. They started to chase Sonic. Of couse he's the fastest thing alive but these missles aren't alive and Sonic just barely outchases them. As they draw ever closer, Sonic has to think of a way not to die. He turns but the missles are heat-seekers. "Aha! heat-seekers!" He thought to himself and jumps straight into the pond. Unfortunately the pond isn't very deep, and even though the missles flew right past him, they immediately changed direction back towards him. Luckily he's in Eggman's direction. Once the missles are about to hit him, he jumps in the air and the missles head toward Eggman. Too bad Eggman's Egg Walker is so big, bulky, and slow.

The missles blow up one of the legs. "No, no, no, no, no, NO!" he begs. But his begging didn't work, his walker falls to the ground. The stupid man kept pressing the buttons that made the now destroyed Walker walk, instead of ejecting himself and running away. Sonic walked up to Eggman and looks down at him. Eggman says tearfully "Why? Why do you always win?" Sonic wittilly responds "You just suck." Now this would normally make anyone mad, but this doesn't make that crazy Dr. mad, he just spaces out, thinking about what Sonic said. "I suck...? I just suck?" Sonic calls the police to take the crazy man away like he should have done a long time ago.

Thus ends Act 1...

Posted by Chdonga - March 19th, 2009

Some kid PMed me saying this:

"WHO ARE YOU TO CONTRIDICT A 12 YEAR OLD ON HIS DREAMS..... I DON'T CARE IF YOUR FUCKIN 30 YEARS OLD AND HAVE A PRIVATE ISLAND WITH A RIVER IN IT. Chdonga maybe I should make fun of your name because of that little comment of yours. but realy Pick on someone your own age you little shit or should I say DING "DONG"
Oh yeah I will own a Private Island due to a multi-million dollar lawsuit
Sucker and Loser. Im not writting this to be an asshole but to tell you you are being an asshole"

Apparently he's going to sue me for insulting a 12 year old. Don't request free flash as people will do things like link you to meatspin or gayporn.
Why he wrote this in stanzas confuses me.

Posted by Chdonga - March 10th, 2009

Oh, and before any Foamy fags come flaming me, look on my favorites.
...OK did you look? OK now I can continue...

Anyways I've noticed a lot of the episodes are getting less and less funny. They were once good comedies featuring rants that people can relate to and an occasional sex pun. Now it seems like the epidsodes are just turning into several minutes of Foamy screaming "FUCK!" and Germaine talking about having sex or complaining how she dreses so provocatively and has not been gang raped yet. There's also da Hatta and that one squirrel with the glasses and the squirrel songs but they're getting less funny too. Sure there are still some good episodes but most of them now are just bad or if they are funny it's because Foamy shouts "FUCK!" or Germaine says something about vasmpires raping demons or something crazy like that. I once voted five on illwillpress's flashes, but now I usually vote three or four.

Foamy is dead

Posted by Chdonga - March 2nd, 2009

So far this is all I've made, a Megaman template, I'll make more so don't request any.
Note: this is for amateur spriters who do more than recolor, also I put a little pallete there for a reason, use it.

Posted by Chdonga - February 24th, 2009

Three toads were arrested for blowing bubbles. The police asks for their name, one toad says his name is Bob, the second toad's name is Ted, and the third toad's name is Bubbles.

I'm not explaining the joke, btw.

Posted by Chdonga - February 23rd, 2009

I'm guessing I did something to piss some fag off (probably banning him. NGers are so butthurt about bannings nowadays) so now he's making all these alts to spam me via PM and then he bans me so I can't reply.

@Whoever the main account of these alts are: If you're going to troll, troll successfully. And have the gaul to do it on my userpage.

You unsuccessful troll.

Posted by Chdonga - February 23rd, 2009

Why is it that Sci-Fi original movies are getting cornier and cornier? Seriously, now they are all the same, it's usually about a giant lizard monster and if someone sees it, they don't run or try to kill it, they just stand there and scream while it eats him. Then throughout the movie you see two or three characters that actually manage to survive the monster until they meet some old hermit who tells them if they want to kill the monster they need to pull some magical sword out of a pedistal and chant some gibberish. (How would he even know that?) Eventually the monster comes and eats the hermit before he tells them where the sword is. And they run and they have to hide in some cave. Conveniently the magical sword is in the cave they're hiding in. One of the three protaganists get stunned by something and another one gets him/herself killed to save the stunned person, ironically the stunned person dies too. The last surviving person pulls the sword out of the pedistal and he chants the gibberish. Then a big beam of light shoots out from the sword and blows up the monster. The end. Their movies are the equivalent of an episode of Goosebumps. Also the monster usually looks badly generated on the scenes and seems out of place.

And if you still don't know, I'm talking about the Sci-Fi channel. Also I was going to show a scenes from a movie to prove my point but the Sci-Fi movie thing is currently off air.