Drawn to Life the next chapter is a sequel to a horrible game that came out in 2007. It hasn't yet been released in America but I've obtained it. Twas a horrible game that poorly tries to send some message that involves faith in God. The story is about Wilfre steals all the color from the world because they'll all die for no reason if he doesn't. So you, playing as 'The Creator' who ends up being God at the end draws some animation-less character to combat Wilfre alongside some bunny people called the raposa. The once fifty people that lived in the village have all disappeared and now there's only, like ten. After completing twenty-ish out of thirty levels of restoring color to a bunch of towns, you finally have to fight Wilfre. He warns you once more that if they restore color to the village they will die. You kill him, they return to the village, restore all its color, the screen shakes, and everything goes black and some character with no significance to the story whatsoever walks into the center of the screen and says something random to God, I think it was "God... I just want this all to go away..." And they show some short scene of a small family leaving a carnival then getting in a car accident. The parents die but the brother and sister survive. The brother and sister looked like the character I just mentioned and this girl who gets kidnapped by Wilfre one time in the game.
Here's the opening scene.
/* */
You guys will have to find the end scene.
TL;DR Drawn to Life 2 is worse than Drawn to Life 1 and the ending was the worst ending for any game ever.