I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Ted duMairrd @Chdonga

Age 30, whatever pronounds idgf

Pixel Artist

Poughquag, NY

Joined on 3/24/08

Exp Points:
64,612 / 100,000
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Chdonga's News

Posted by Chdonga - May 31st, 2009

/* */
It's pronounced The Legend of Stafy! If you've ever played the Japanese version, you'd know that Stafy is much like Kirby without the ability to eat your opponents. The game looks p. queer, but it's fun.

(Lol, I broke rule 73.)

Also I think the 'r' is silent.

The Legendary Starfy!?

Posted by Chdonga - May 30th, 2009

This is an automated message from Newgrounds - http://www.newgrounds.com.

We recently detected multiple failed login attempts (incorrect passwords) on your account.

1. If this was you, click the following link to unlock your account:
http://www.newgrounds.com/unlock/yeahl ikeimgoingtogiveyoumyunlockaccountpass word

2. If this wasn't you, please ignore this e-mail. We've locked out whomever tried to log in as you (your access will be unaffected). There's no need to forward this e-mail to us - we're already aware of it.

Hack fail.

This is like the third time too. There's a number of people I think probably did it (I won't waste my time telling you guys, as they'll probably make a news post congratulating whoever attempted to hack me), but it doesn't matter as he's been locked out of his account.

Posted by Chdonga - May 22nd, 2009

Super Smash Flash 2 is going to suck. And before one of you fanboys come here going "OMG u are jus a jellus dum a** hater." Here are my totally valid reasons why it will suck:
-The sprites clash.
-There's going to be video game, anime, and fan characters in it. I'd be fine with just Anime and video game, but nooo, they had to fuck it up worse by adding some of the crappiest looking characters, like Spikeman, Blade *cough Sonic recolor*, and many more
-The effects are... just crap.
-The camera zooming in and out makes the game look even more terrible.
-The backgrounds are bland

Remember that China Rules improvement they made on China Rules improvement?
"The subject says it all. Nintendo finally decided to take action and sent me a cease and desist order requiring me to remove all Super Smash Bros. related content from the site by tomorrow. If I don't, I'll face a fine of $1,000,000 US Dollars... Now that I have nothing to keep the site going I'm going to be closing down for good in a few days.
I certainly hope you enjoyed your time here and I'm sorry it all had to end so suddenly. If you want to help fight to get SSF2 back you can go to Nintendo's complaint forum: http://forums.nintendo.com/complaints
I'm sure you would've found that out by now if you clicked the link. Hope you got a good laugh and I didn't scare you too much! Wink
Anyway, SSF2 Production is fine. v0.5 production is slow and steady, though it will take at least another month to complete since the school year is approaching its end and the work load has increased a ton. I'll let you know of any major updates.
It should've been real.

[EDIT] If any of you Sonic luvvers enjoy The Death of Sonic, you're in luck, because until Act 14 (the last act) I will post them more often, if not, oh well. Speaking of which, I'm far from done with the flash, but I'll probably be done with it before the end of summer.

I'll get FL studio eventually and make music from an actual program, rather than from a ROM made by Eminem.
[EDIT] Looks like n1ggr's got another recruitment for his anti-Chdonga club.

[EDIT] And look at that, there's another Chdonga hater, he's probably an alt though so I won't bother with him.

Posted by Chdonga - May 19th, 2009

Act 9: Eggman's alternative

As Sonic, Tails, and Amy left Amy's house, they noticed Ray stuck on a lamp post. "Hey, what the heck are ya doing?" Sonic shouted, "Can you get me down first?" Ray shouted back, so Tails flew up to the lamp post and pulled Ray's extra skin out from it. When Tails helped Ray down, he told them how they found two Super Emeralds, and how Vector tried to steal it from them but instead Cream ended up taking it and started acting strange. "And they went to Tails' workshop to find you guys" Ray finished. "We have to go protect those emeralds from Dr. Eggman." Amy said, "I know, he tried to kill me and Bean for them, but we stopped him and he just ran off in the opposite direction." Ray responded. "Well let's stop talking about the emeralds and go get them." Sonic said and they all went to the train station to the Mystic Ruins. Only a few minutes after they left for the Mystic Ruins, Dr. Eggman came searching for the Super Emeralds, he couldn't find anything so he turned around and headed back, angrily to his lab to find another Super Emerald.

Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Ray walked out of the Train station and saw Vector, Bean, and Cream knocking on the door of Tails' house. "Hey, guys" Sonic called out to them, "We need to keep those Super Emeralds from Dr. Eggman." he then told them about Knuckles and Bark being killed and how Dr. Eggman has gone crazy. "And before we caught up with you, we were going to go use the Chaos Emeralds as an alternative." Tails added. "So just in case, we should go get them." Bean said. "Wait here." Tails said quickly, and ran into his house and started up the Tornado 2.0. he flew the plane down near everybody and told Sonic to hop on. Instead Vector tried to jump in the plane but he was scared by a seat belt that he confused with a snake. Sonic pushed Vector out and jumped in the plane. As Tails started to lift off, Sonic stood up from his seat and said gallantly "Onward to Angel Island!" Tails made the plane shake somewhat "Sonic! What're you doing!?" he scolded "I was just joking." he replied, and they flew to Angel Island. Amy, Cream, Bean, Ray, and Vector all stared at them fly away.

As Dr. Eggman walked back to the lab he mumbled to himself "I'm becoming tired of this, I should just get my robots to do this." He walked back to Dr. Robotnik's emerald locator and refreshed it to see where the emeralds have moved. "Aargh! That blasted blue rat and his mutant squirrel friend has two!?" he growled, "I won't even waste my time getting these." He left the Egg Destroyer and went to his robot construction area and awakened the E-104 Epsilon. "Now, Epsilon, I command you to find six Emeralds. They look like these." Dr. Eggman then shows Epsilon the super Emerald. "And don't let anyone get in your way." "MISSION: COLLECT ALL REMAINING SUPER EMERALDS AND ELIMINATE ALL OBSTACLES. IS THIS CORRECT?" Epsilon asked. "Yes." Eggman said and chuckled. "Now go, Epsilon, and don't return until you find the remaining six." "YES DOCTOR" Epsilon said and turned and walked out Dr. Eggman's lab. Dr. Eggman laughed and said "Let's see Sonic survive this."

But this was only part 1...

Posted by Chdonga - May 13th, 2009

Act 8: The alternative

"Sonic, Sonic?" Amy asked "Are you coming to?" Sonic slowly started to wake back up. "How long have I been out?" He groaned, "You were knocked out for 4 days" "What!?" he shouted. "You went berserk when Knuckles was killed," Tails explained, "Scratch tried to impale you with a drill but Knuckles jumped in the way and it got him instead." "You were so angry that you jumped on Scratch, ripped his beak of and stabbed him in the face" Amy continued, "Then you attacked Grounder. They're probably dead too. I had to stop you from going mad by hitting you with a rock." she finished. "Did you at least get the Super Emerald?" Sonic asked, "I'm sorry Sonic..." Tails sighed. Sonic got off his bed and grabbed Tails by the torso. "Are you trying to get us all killed!?" He shouted, "I was afraid that Dr. Eggman would try to come and steal it from us while you were unconscious." Tails said, "You're right. I'm sorry, I must still be upset about Knuckles dying." Sonic sighed. "But we can't just give up and let Dr. Eggman win," Tails started "which is why I've thought of another source of power. The Chaos Emeralds." "But they're not as powerful as the Super Emeralds." Sonic said, "It's better than nothing." Tails replied. "All seven of them are at the Angel Island Zone so it should be easy to get them." Sonic and Amy both agreed and they went outside their house to head to the Mystic Ruins zone.

"Wut just happened?" Vector asked, "I think Cream snapped," Ray answered "we better go get her and get those emeralds back before she hurts someone." and they chased after her. As they caught up to her Cream said "Stop following me, you jerks. This is my emerald now." And she started flapping her ears and took flight. "Ha, you fags won't catch me now!" she laughed, Bean and Ray jumped in the air and took flight as well, "Duh" bean laughed. Since Vector couldn't fly he could only watch them fly away, he walked up to a nearby bench, pulled a harmonica out of his pocket and whistled a tune. Ray and Bean were chasing Cream in circles for twenty minutes until Cream finally got tired and started to descend. Ray tried to follow her but he flew too close to a lamp post and hooked his patagium on it. Once she touched the ground Vector ran to her, trying to get one of he emeralds, she kept backing away. Bean stood behind Cream so when she backed away once more she bumped into him. "Ok, Cream play time is over, give me the Super Emeralds." "Ok" Cream said, "But first let me clean up my groceries" she says and looks to her bag of groceries she dropped right before snapping. She bends over and starts rummaging through it for something. "I meant to give you guys this earlier" She says and pulls out the pepper spray and sprays Bean and Vector again. "Aargh!" Vector yelled, "That's it, you're fucking dead." and pulls out his gun. Bean or Cream don't have any time to react, he quickly pulled his gun out and pulled the trigger on her. Once Ray saw that Vector pulled his gun put on Cream he tried to jump off the lamp post and stop him but his skin was pinched under part of it. All they could do was see her be shot...

They expected Cream to drop dead but Vector shot a blank. "W-wait, hold on. I'll get ya this time." He said, while reloading. Cream only hesitated for a second before running away. Bean ran after her. Cream tripped over the curb and dropped the Super Emeralds. She didn't pick them up, she stopped moving for a few seconds. "...Cream?" Bean asked. "Oh, I'm sorry I dropped your emeralds," Cream said politely, "Oh now you want to be all polite." Vector yelled "What do you mean?" Cream asked, "You guys were fighting, I took the emeralds, and I dropped them, what did I do that was rude?" "Oh, cut the crap, you took the emeralds and went all psycho on us." Vector snarled. "Hey, maybe it was one of the Super Emeralds that made her act like that. One of them mad me brave, one made Bean act like an emerald locator, maybe the emeralds make people act weird ways." Ray said. "Hey let's go take these emeralds to Tails, he might know something about these." Bean said. He picked up the emeralds and he, Cream, and Vector all went to the train station that led to Tails' house. "Hey, what about me?" Ray shouted, but they didn't hear him and they left him there, still stuck on the lamp post.

And thus ends Act 8...

Posted by Chdonga - May 12th, 2009

So far I have the loading screen and the main menu complete, but I might've been able to do more if I didn't get this motherfucking abscess over my cutting in wisdom tooth, I was at the hospital/dental clinic from 9:00 to 3:00. But y'know, no one really cares about my personal life.
The first .swf will have Act 1 to Act 3-2, maybe to Act 4. And for added lulz, I will add a few extras in the .swf. When I'm done I hope you folks enjoy it, because thanks to you I'm turning into a borderline Sonic fag. (Speaking of which I'll have to show TDoS Act 8 tomorrow because I forgot. And I'll submit my new song tomorrow, I'm trying out making 8-bit.) if u dunt giv dis flsh a 5 ur gy nd has sex wiit men pens breth
Also progress on those sprite requests- so far I have 2, Re-Evolution's super robot body suit and Pedobear. And FourSwordsKing, I'm not trying to be a douche but what you said to me on the forums was funny.

Posted by Chdonga - May 5th, 2009

So because a bunch of user requested it, I'm going to make The Death of Sonic into a flash. I was originally going to make only the last act into a flash, but I'll only do certain acts.

And about the Prinny flash, I'm probably going to just scrap that for now, Disgaea has mostly 3D textures and backgrounds and I can't find any, nor do I know how to rip them myself. I'm not going to scrap it entirely, just give me time.

[EDIT] I'm probably going to add some voice acting in it, so if any body wants to be a voice actor PM me and send a recording of you sounding like that character.
For Act 1, I'd need voice actors for Dr. Eggman, Sonic, Scratch, Grounder, and a police.

Crap, I didn't manage blam this crappy flash

The Death of Sonic.swf

Posted by Chdonga - May 1st, 2009

Act 7 part 2: Cream's Cruel Wrath

Vector pulled his gun out of his holster and threatened them once more "OK, give me those two emeralds or I'll shoot" "What happened to 'I'm gonna arrest you two'?" Ray muttered. "Who cares." Bean said, then he threw the Super Emeralds to Ray, pulled some fire works out of his pocket and threw them at Vector's feet. He stared at them expecting a pop but they didn't go off, "Crap! I forgot to light th--" Vector didn't give Bean a chance to end his sentence by shooting his foot, but he missed. He kept attempting to shoot at Bean while Ray just watched. "Ray, any time you'd like to help?" Bean asked, Ray held on to the Emerald of Courage and charged at Vector. Vector turned to Ray to shoot at him, he missed horribly. Ray jumped on him and started kicking him in the stomach and Vector tried to shake him off. Bean ran up to him and jumped on his back, reaching for his gun.

Cream was leaving Wal-Mart when she noticed Ray and Bean scuffling with Vector. "Stop fighting, you three" she shouted, but this didn't have any effect on the three. This made Cream very angry and she walked up to them, pulled a can of pepper spray out of her bag and sprayed them all, this stopped them from fighting."Hey you bitch, what do you think is wrong with you? How dare you assault a volunteer police!" Vector shouted. He got very close into Cream's face and snarled at her, "Hey, pick on someone your own IQ" Ray said, and started kicking him. Cream took out her pepper spray again and startled them threatening to spray again. "Bean Get over here!" Cream shouted, Bean got up and hobbled up to them, "Now, what are you three fighting over?" Cream scolded, Bean and Ray showed Cream the two Super Emeralds. She examined them, took one, stared at them, and gave it back. "You're fighting over some big diamonds?" She asked, "No" Ray said, "These give whoever holds it special powers, like the red one makes people brave. The yellow one makes you... I don't know what that one does but they also can help you find more of them. " "May I see the yellow one?" Cream asked, Bean gave it to her. Once the rabbit-girl touched the emerald something happened to her, she changed. She punched Ray in the face, kicked Bean in the stomach, gave Vector an uppercut to the mouth, and took the emeralds and ran off.

When Dr. Eggman finally got back to his laboratory he was shocked to see that the Super Emerald was on the ground, Scratch and Grounder had been viciously murdered, but he was too tired to clean up the mess, he just grabbed the Super Emerald, walked up to the Egg Destroyer and placed the emerald in the holder. When he pressed the button to open up the emerald locator a hologram of Dr. Robotnik appeared. "I see you are choosing to find all of the Super Emeralds. I shall give you another warning, if you use all seven Super Emeralds to charge the destroyer you may end up destroying yourself in the process. I doubt you will take any consideration into this warning and go find the other emeralds so the emerald locator shall appear now." and the emerald locator shows the nearest emerald, in Station Square.

And thus ends Act 7...

Posted by Chdonga - April 30th, 2009

Happy 125th birthday, Pico!

Happy Pico day!

Posted by Chdonga - April 22nd, 2009

Requested by evilgoku14.

If you guys want me to make a fan character sprite for you, please give me more work than just a slight recolor.