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I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.
Age 30, whatever pronounds idgf
Pixel Artist
Poughquag, NY
Joined on 3/24/08
Posted by Chdonga - April 6th, 2010
If you've played the original Gold/Silver I'm sure you'll agree that that was one of the best Pokemon games ever. How it used every bit of memory a Game Boy cartridge can hold, and everything down to the sprites were great about it. When we heard that they were going to remake these two games, the Gold/Silver theme song started playing in our head and we got all nostalgiafaggy and we were all happy. But if you know anything about remakes, you know how people like to introduce new characters, add new secrets and things. Well guess what? They did just that but I'm happy to say it wasn't as bad as I thought.
They changed every gym, like beyond recognition. Like the only gym that they didn't change much was the Violet City Gym and even that was changed slightly. This wasn't really a bad thing, but I would've preferred they kept it like the original. They didn't change what people said much. But they don't mention how the legendary dogs were made. They replaced the Goldenrod Casino with a big room. The only game they have now is minesweep. It's a decent game, but it's impossible to get higher than 30 coins in a round, and if you give up, no matter how high you get, they always drop you down to round 1. And to add insult to insult, you can't buy coins anymore. Really. What the fuck were they thinking there?
This won't be your only rage moment in the game. "Mother" calls you every five minutes. And it's always "Hey I just spent some of your money but I bought you something." If you remember Gold/Silver, the only thing she ever gave you were whatever stones, and you'd shit yourself over it. Well get ready to not shit yourself, because the only thing she ever gives you now is berries. Berries and if you're lucky a Hyper Potion. I've said it on Youtube and TSRC, "Mother" is fucking annoying. She calls you whenever it's not at a good time, and she only gives you berries. It would be better if we had an item box again so when she gets you an item, you wouldn't have to rush to the nearest store to get it.
Posted by Chdonga - March 30th, 2010
Now if you're reading this, NGReviewEater I'm not making fun of you or anything, I'm explaining why you get so much shit from me.
This guy could actually be a smart person, possibly a great user if he wasn't always bitching about bans and making Preliminary Guide Posts (That's big words for blank post) on his alt. He's trying to make Newgrounds a better place, I'm fine with that, but if you look on his profile you'll either see "The BBS is shit" or "Spam this guy's inbox!".
Now I could see what he's trying to do with the spam inbox thing, but whenever I see one of his "BBS is shit" rants, I rarely see him give a valid reason why it's shit/dying. He's usually just complaining about the problems of General board and maybe the Where is/How to board. I'm fine with people not liking the BBS, no one's forcing you to post there, but when you make a post on your userpage about how the BBS is dying because yesterday had 3,000 posts made by 900 users (and it's been like that for a while, like since early '09) everyday, it just looks like you're mad because of a ban you got or something. I can tell you hate the BBS, I don't know (or care) why you hate it to the point you think it needs to be deleted, but seriously, keep it to yourself.
Anyway SuperMarioBrosS (his alt) is making guides for new users so they'll know what they can and can't do on Newgrounds, but he isn't really doing that. He just spams the blogs with "PGP"(Preliminary Guide Post). You'll see one at least once every hour. I don't see the point of making almost 1,000 PGPs. He says they're going to be made into guides, but I doubt you need more than... about 10, maybe 20 blank posts for NG guides. And this is if you have also made a medal guide and advertised the stuff from the Wi/Ht board. Most of his non blank posts are in his first page of newsposts, and a lot of them aren't even guides, just stuff no one really cares about. Like a list of demodded mods. And it would help if he called the posts that were guides "Newgrounds Guide-10", not "The Newgrounds "Everything, By Everyone" Explained Guide Part -10: The Ex-Ex-Part 9000-9001".
On his main, he posts recent abusive reviews, but if you looked on his page, you'd probably not see any. Instead you'd see a rant about something unofficial, but newgrounds related or him celebrating his most recent ban. In fact, I have yet to see him make a post discussing abusive reviews. This may be because he doesn't make a new post, he just edits one of his other posts, but if he does, he shouldn't do that, because the review/flash may not get much attention. If something stolen gets passed or if there's an orgasm of "this flash is shit. the author needs to kill himself" reviews in a flash, he should make a new post about it.
TL;DR SuperMarioBrosS or NGReviewEater or whatever you wanna be called, if you ever want to help Newgrounds, you should actually make guides on things that'll make users less stupid and make a new post every time abusive reviews/stolen flashes spout on Newgrounds. And if you want to complain about the BBS or whatever, do it on another account.
Posted by Chdonga - March 15th, 2010
I'm not going to bother giving a decent review just yet, it came out yesterday and I don't want to be a spoil anything for any of my fellow pokefags. Anyway, it's a good game, but if you're expecting WOO NOSTALGIA I'M SO HAPPY I GOT MY CHILDHOOD BACK! Don't, because they changed a lot of stuff to it. Also when you buy it (unlike me) you get a smecksy little pokewalker that lets your pokemon gain EXP while you walk with it. It's basically a pedometer combined with Pokemon Pikachu.
Bah... just buy the game and I'll talk about it in a week when I beat it.
Posted by Chdonga - March 8th, 2010
Well... I should say Player-exe just finished a flash, I just did some VA for him.
Posted by Chdonga - March 4th, 2010
This is a question that exists all over the internet. Why are furries treated like shit? I'm here to explain why. There are many who think anthropomorphic animals, usually dogs, cats or other land mammals having sex is disgusting, and I'm sure your response to them is something along the lines of "Disgusting? There is a lot of shit more gross than that? Have you ever seen goatse or Harlequin fetuses?" Yes, most, if not all who's ever gone on the internet casually have stumbled across that or something worse. But these anthropomorphic animals don't disgust you. They do just the opposite, they turn you on. It's just a fetish. Everyone has some strange, sick fetish, and what separates these people from you is that they keep it to themselves. But you furries don't keep it to yourself. You feel the need to announce it to the world, you make your fetish into a lifestyle that everyone must respect. It actually seems like you guys will go on a site that you know will not accept you and go "Hey, I'm a furry. I like to get hard/wet seeing Fox and Crystal give each other paw and rim jobs at the same time." At first, we might brush your comment off and go "Whatever. I think that shit's kinda gross, but who am I to talk? I have a tentacle rape fetish." But no, you can't just talk about something else you like, you decide to get all ass-pained and yell 'Fursecution' and whine and complain, saying that everyone who disagrees with your fetish is a narrow minded fuck or whatever and act as though you're an oppressed minority, like you've had it worse than the Jews or the gays. No one's putting you in any concentration camps or shit like that, but you still baww about someone going "Yiff in hell, furfag", you should know, people with foot fetishes get the same shit, but they don't explode when someone says, I don't know, "Foot fap in hell.", or whatever they call them. They just ignore it and continue fapping to foot jobs and what not, but they do it in secrecy, just like everyone else with a weird and gross fetish does.
So now you know, this is why we hate you, not because of your fetish, but because you won't shut up about it. So if you feel the need to yiff or brag about being a furry and being proud about it, go do it in fur affinity or DevianTART, where you're accepted. Otherwise, shut up about it and we won't hate you for it.
And if you think you've got it bad, go talk to a dino, they get more shit from us than you guys, heck, you guys give then shit even though they are just a furry who prefers anthropomorphic lizards over anthropomorphic animals.