Neo and Greenic are in mid-coitus.
Greenic: Uh... Neo?
Neo: Hmm?
Greenic: What do you want me to do to you?
Neo: I dunno... blowjob?
Greenic: Oh yum!
Neo pulls his penis out Greenic's vagina and Greenic puts her lips around it.
Neo: Oh god. Oh god! Oh god this feels awesome! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Neo shoots a wide load of cum down her throat.
Greenic: *cough* Gah *pant* I should've expected that.
Greenic spits the semen out.
Neo: Are you okay.
Greenic: I'm fine. *cough* It was just so much. Let's carry on.
Neo: We really need to go help Sonic. And I don't wanna drown you.
Greenic: Fine.
Right after Greenic got up, Neo pulled some gum that was stuck on his dick head.
Neo: Is this yours?
Greenic: Oh thanks.
Greenic put the gum back in her mouth.
Greenic: Hm. The gum tastes different.
Neo: Greenic! I jizzed on that.
Greenic: It's okay. It tastes better now.
Greenic really enjoyed getting to know Neo like that. But all good things have to come to and end, so they went and took a shower together. About an hour and forty five minutes later they were ready to fight Shadow with Sonic. On their walk there Greenic turns to Neo and asks,
Greenic: Hey Neo, was I your first?
Neo: My first? No... you weren't.
Greenic: Well... I guess I should tell you too... you weren't my first either.
Neo: Who was your first?
Greenic: Um... Sonic...?
Neo: Sonic!? He was my first, too! It's okay.
Greenic stared at him disturbed.
Neo: B-but he molested me...
Greenic: Neo. Don't lie to me.
Neo: Okay... I molested him.
Greenic stares at him disturbed again.
Greenic: Well that's believable the way you forced yourself in me. It's okay. I don't care if you've fucked a guy. I've also fucked a gay fish.
Neo: Who?
Greenic: You probably don't know him.
Neo: Who?
Greenic: Kanye West.
Neo: Yeah, I know him. I was his first.
Greenic: Hey look! it's Sonic and Shadow!
Shadow: Hi Big-N!
Shadow blows a kiss to Neo.
Neo: Goddammit Shadow, I told you I'm not bi anymore.
Shadow: Are you still gay?
Sonic: What took you so long?
Greenic: Neo and I got in a fight... and we started uh..
Sonic: Having sex, I know. It's okay. When you gotta go you gotta go. Augh!
Sonic's left elbow moved out of its socket.
Greenic: God, Sonic what'd he do to you?
Sonic: We were penis fencing. And he won.
Neo: That bastard! We've gotta get you to a hospital.
Sonic: I don't think I'm gonna make it.
Greenic's eyes start tearing up. Greenic grabs Sonic's torso and shakes him like a ragdoll.
Greenic: Nonsense. You're gonna make it, Sonic. You're going to be fine and you're going to live to be ten years old and you're going to have lots of Sonic Jr. babies with like twenty different horny 8 week old girls who want your precious dick up their tight, virgin snatch. Don't you want that to happen? Don't you want to fuck a bunch of little hedgehog girls who've just reached maturity? Don't ya? Don't ya? Please don't die.
Shadow: Melodramatic much?
Greenic: Eat a dick Shadow.
Shadow: Was that an insult or a suggestion? If it was, can I eat Neo's dick?
Neo: No!
Shadow: Aww. You're no fun.
Suddenly Sonic sprouts back to life chuckling at Shadow.
Sonic: Don't worry Greenic. I'll make it.
Greenic smiles and blows her nose on Sonic's chest.
Greenic: I totally don't hate you even though you did have unprotected with sex me, left me to sell your son to pedophiles and threatened to kill me if I didn't give you the money.
Sonic: I know you do, Green, I know you do.
Neo and Greenic carry Sonic to a hospital conveniently two blocks away.
Shadow: Hey, what about me?
Greenic: You can go home and masturbate.
All three laugh at Shadow as they go to the hospital.
Shadow: Hmph. You know what? I'm gonna go masturbate. And I'm gonna love it too.
At the hospital, Neo and Greenic learn something terrible about Sonic.
Dr. T and the women: I have some bad news for you, Sonic.
Sonic: What? Do I have kitten AIDS?
Dr. T and the women: Worse.
Sonic: Oh my god! Am I Naruto?
Dr. T and the women: N***a, you dead!
Sonic: What!
Dr. T and the women: Well you should be. My shit says you died on January 6, 2004.
Neo: Well I guess your shit is--
Dr. T and the women: Did I fucking say you could talk, Needledick?
Neo: N-n-no.
Dr. T and the women: Now apologize.
Neo: S-sorry, Dr. T.
Dr. T and the women uppercut Neo so hard it broke his chin.
Dr. T and the women: *spits* It's Dr. T and the women.
Greenic rushes to Neo's aid.
Greenic: Neo! Are you alright?
Neo: Ah-glaah-ha.
Greenic: Oh no. Dr. T and the women, that was way too hard.
Dr. T and the women: Do you want some of this too, missy? Nah. I'm just playin' I'd never hit a ladeh. Well I'll fix up your friend's jaw. Just put him back in his Pokeball and I'll take care of the rest.
Greenic: Here ya go.
Dr. T and the women puts Neo in a pokemon healing machine and makes him all better.
Greenic: Neo! you're all right. I don't know how I'd live without you.
Neo stares into Greenic's beautiful blue eyes again and hugs her
Neo: I love you, Greenic. You're the best I've ever had.
Dr. T and the women: Don't believe him, ladeh. He said that to me last week.
And the two made out in front of Sonic and Dr. T and the women. Neo's dick started to harden and he pushed Greenic on her back and lay on her.
Dr. T and the women: Heyheyhey. Keep it in the lobby.
Sonic: Hey, what about me? I'm dying.
Dr. T and the women: N***a, did you hear what I said? You dead!
Later that night...
Shadow gets home and shuts all his doors and closes all his blinds. He quickly takes a good look around his room and then digs under his bed. He pulls out a box filled with hentais of fetishes stranger than any you can fathom. The most softcore fetish of hentai in that box was probably vore fetish. He simply looks at the front cover of one and his dick grows stiff as a rock. The veins start popping out and pulsating and Shadow puts his hand on his long, fat, erect penis and begins to jerk and swing it around like a drunk, high baseball player. He shouted in sync to his jerking,
Shadow: Why--can't--Neo--realize--how--much--I --love--him?--Gah!
Shadow shot himself in the eye.
Shadow: God, this is the sixth time I've done this today.
Shadow digs in his closet and pulls out a pillow in the shape of a naked Aeris. He holds down the pillow on his penis with one hand and reads his hentai mangoes with his other.
Shadow: Oh Aeris. You're so hot when you cut yourself open and eat your innards with your sliced open bare feet while three strong, hairy men smash your head open with their club sized dicks and cum spewing tentacle demons rape those men alongside a clown. Oh Aeris. Oh Aeris! Augh! Om nom nom!
Shadow screams Aeris's name at the top of his lungs.
Cloud: Hunh!?
Sepiroth: What's wrong, Big-C?
Cloud: Nothing. I just had a sad memory.
Sepiroth: Well nothing gets rid of sad memories like sticking your wiener in my mouth.
Cloud: Now that's something we all can enjoy.
And Cloud and Sepiroth had wonderful oral sex and they loved it. But I'm not going to describe gay sex because it's disgusting and wrong.
Neo and Greenic left the hospital, stinking of cum and sweat. They went back to Neo's house and had sex. Two days later, Greenic discovered she was pregnant. They married and lived to 7. They died the way they lived. Fucking each other as hard as fucking possible.
Sonic died of fatigue at age ten, he caught it from having a five way with Amy, Snivley, Scratch, Princess Sally, And Knuckles.
Cloud and Sepiroth got separated upon their deaths from penile cancer. Cloud went to heaven but Sepiroth got reincarnated as a Buddhist's ruptured testicle.
Shadow's dick broke from all the masturbating. At least he got a free paint job for his house out of it.
But what ever happened to Greenic's dead uncle?
Bronic did a Satanic ritual to bring Greenic's uncle back to life so he could have a friend to watch hours upon hours of Tyler Perry's House of Payne with.